Pittsfield Integrity offers shared services to local Democratic candidates so they can campaign in a cost-effective, thoughtful way. After all, the way a candidate campaigns is your first look at how they will govern. Like you, we value transparency, honesty, efficiency, and the wise use of every dollar.
These offices are effectively decided on August 6, 2024, in the Democratic Primary. Your vote decides the direction of our community for the next four years.
Each candidate is independently elected, with their own views. They will vote thoughtfully on issues that affect you. We share values but are not an impenetrable voting bloc. We welcome you, your voice, your opinions. Local government is closest to the people. Your vote counts! For local officials who are at work, available to you, who will listen to you and act in your best interest, please read our pages on this website and vote for us on August 6, 2024.​
Our pledge is to serve you and our community. We welcome diverse viewpoints and feel that open, public debate leads to the best decisions. We encourage you to reach out to the candidates on this page individually. We will reach out to you, too.
Christina Lirones
Candidate for Pittsfield Township Supervisor

As a lifelong resident of the area, I am passionate about public service and keeping Pittsfield Township a wonderful place to live. I was Elected Township Clerk in 2000, Treasurer in 2004, and served as Chair of the Planning Commission from 2000-2008. During that period, we lowered the Township tax millage twice, saved hundreds of acres of parkland, and the Township's drinking water supply system. I currently serve on the Board of Directors for Disability Network Washtenaw-Monroe-Livingston
Sean Zera
Candidate for Pittsfield Park Commission

I'm a lifelong resident of Pittsfield Township, a U of M biology graduate, and a field biologist with 20 years of experience. Exploring and volunteering in Pittsfield's parks, working to protect and improve them, and protecting natural areas is my passion. I'm deeply knowledgeable about all of our parks, and bring practical experience from my work at Oakland County Parks.
Alex Thomas
Candidate for Ypsilanti Township Supervisor

Ypsilanti Township residents deserve competency in their representatives. I've been working in Housing, Health, and Law Enforcement, the important Washtenaw County conversations the last 8 years. Ypsilanti Township leadership has been absent in those discussions.
LaResha Thornton
Candidate for Ypsilanti Township Trustee

LaResha is running for Trustee in Ypsilanti Township. With a degree in Criminal Justice, her campaign focuses on Mental Health issues, Access to Housing, and Restorative Justice for our Youth. You can find more information about LaResha on her campaign website below.