Maintain Our Quality of Life
Residents of Pittsfield Township almost unanimously state that the biggest attraction to moving here is the "Quality of Life". Our unique blend of rural areas, parks, and residential spaces makes Pittsfield Township an exceptional place to live.
However, with pressure to develop every available space, we risk losing this valuable aspect. We are committed to promoting sustainable growth that will not sacrifice the open spaces that attracted all of us to the township.

Protecting Our Parks and Farms
Our parks will be protected, and we will add parks where they are still needed. Our parks will no longer be leased in a way that prohibits residents from using them. Our parks will not be sold, used as dump sites, or given away to private business interests for cell towers, mitigation sites for developers, or other unwanted uses. We will work to mitigate and limit the damage done by the highway bypass built through the Pittsfield Preserve by the WCRC, MDOT, and Pittsfield officials. We will also mitigate the damage done by the Wolverine Pipeline expansion and help private property owners who were also affected. We will not build inappropriate public structures in our parks.
We will support rural residents and local agriculture with appropriate Planning, Zoning, and conservation. This will also protect drinking water recharge areas for the many homes and businesses in Pittsfield that have private wells. We will assist and advocate for farm owners seeking access to State and Federal programs for farmland conservation.
Protecting Our Water
We will protect our public drinking water supply and sewer system by correcting the Master Plan and Zoning Ordinances and protecting open space and parks. You will not suffer from boil water advisories or dangerous low water pressure in fire hydrants again.
Members of our team have experience in taking office after a period of reckless development: we saved our drinking water system between 2000 and 2008 by purchasing and withdrawing the Pittsfield Preserve from water and sewer service and building a 5 million gallon water tank with a second 30” Township water main from Ypsilanti.
We are ready to ensure safe drinking water now, after rapid high-density development since 2009.

Environmental and Wildlife Stewardship
We will increase the township's efforts to protect our environment and wildlife. We must take several steps to keep Pittsfield Township moving in the right direction.
We will educate residents about the importance of preserving natural habitats and the impact of human activities on the environment.
Our residents can truly make a difference. We will work with you to encourage your active participation in our community clean-up events and recycling programs.
Our work with local conservation organizations is a testament to the power of community. Together, we can protect and restore our natural areas.
Lastly, we must uphold our existing regulations to safeguard wildlife and their habitats, particularly by curbing development in vulnerable areas.
By taking these steps, we can promote a culture of environmental stewardship and help protect the natural resources that make the community a great place to live.