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Sean Zera

I'm a lifelong resident of Pittsfield Township and have been involved with our parks for many years as a volunteer. My lifelong passion is exploring, studying, and protecting our parks and natural areas in Pittsfield. I'm the Wildlife Program Coordinator for Oakland County Parks Natural Resources and will bring practical experience to the Pittsfield Park Commission. I manage and protect the Oakland County park system's rare animals, plants and natural habitats using an extensive knowledge of the ecology of southeast Michigan. My job has taught me how to plan work efficiently within the constraints of a small parks budget. I have a degree in biology from U of M, and 20 years' experience as a field biologist. 

Meet Sean Zera for Pittsfield Park Commissioner

What in your education and experience make you the best qualified candidate for this position?


I am the Wildlife Program Coordinator for Oakland County Parks Natural Resources; I manage and protect the park system's rare animals, plants and natural habitats using an extensive knowledge of the ecology of southeast Michigan. My job has taught me how to plan work efficiently within the constraints of a small parks budget. I have a degree in biology from U of M, 20 years' experience as a field biologist. I'm a lifelong resident of Pittsfield Township and have been involved with our parks for many years as a volunteer.


What are your goals should you be elected and how will you work to accomplish them with current resources?


I would like to see Pittsfield Township increase our investment in protecting and preserving natural areas. As Park Commissioner, I would look to work with other local governments and non-profits to identify and acquire high quality natural areas so they are protected in perpetuity for both current and future Pittsfield residents, as well as manage current and future parks with natural area preservation at the forefront. Collaboration and shared goals will help extend limited resources, create the potential to pursue larger grants, and encourage the sharing of ideas and successes between parks programs.


Describe one project that you would like to see the Parks Commission bring to fruition.


The restoration of Paint Creek, running through Montibeller Park, has long been a personal interest. The adjacent land has long been mowed lawn right down to the eroding banks, and invasive species abound. I would like to see the creek floodplain within the park restored to the type of wet prairie and savanna habitat that would have naturally occurred here. In addition to the inherent benefits to wildlife and plants, such a restoration would enhance water quality, increase the capacity of the park to absorb water from heavy storms and reduce downstream flooding, and beautify the park.


What role should parks play in the life of a community?


It's not possible to ascribe a single role as parks offer numerous and varying benefits across many aspects of the community. Parks provide places to exercise, learn, participate in sports, spend time with friends and family, find solitude in nature, and for nature to find solitude from us.



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